How to Increase Page Load Speed: 8 Proven Strategies

How to increase page load speed?

“How to speed up my website”? Probably, this is the most inquired query on Google by anyone who owns a website. Page load speed has always been a core web vital for Google to index your webpages. 

Moreover, the page load time of your website has a lot to do with bounce rates, SEO ranking, conversion rates, and overall user engagement. Hence, you can’t afford a slow-loading website in today’s highly competitive digital landscape. To make it clearer, let’s have a look at these facts:

Nearly 70% of consumers agreed that page load speed impacts their purchasing decisions. 

With every second of delay in page load time, there’s a 20% drop in conversions. 

A one-second delay in page load time can lead to a significant 16% decline in user satisfaction. 

These stats portray the essence of good page load time (2-6 seconds for desktops & 7-9 seconds for mobiles) for any website and if you are not closer to this, you are losing big money with every second delay in your website’s page load time.

In this blog, you will gain actionable insights on how to make images load faster on websites, reduce bounce rates, increase your page views with enhanced search engine rankings, and ultimately, achieve better website performance. 

Understanding the Core Web Vitals

To ensure fast page load time, you must get acquainted with “core web vitals” that will help you gain critical insights into your website’s overall performance. Let’s understand this with this image;

Google categorizes your website based on these metrics as “Good”, “Needs improvement”, and “Poor”. You can refer to Google Search Console to get these metrics for your website. 

But remember, never put page speed before good content because relevance always comes first for Google. 

Factors that impact page load speed

  • Server Response Time: The time it takes for the server to respond to a request.
  • Content Size: The size of the content being loaded, including images, scripts, and HTML.
  • Network Latency: The time data travels between the user’s device and the server.
  • Browser Rendering: The time it takes for the browser to render the page, including parsing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Page load optimization strategies

Now that we’ve covered the factors affecting page load speed, let’s dive into actionable optimization strategies: 

  • Optimizing images 
  • Optimizing server response time 
  • Compress and optimize content 
  • Put stylesheet references at the top and & script references at the bottom 
  • Choose a scalable hosting solution provider 
  • Remove unnecessary plugins 
  • Constantly clean up your media library and database 
  • Leverage “Expires” headers 

1. Optimizing images

Using high-quality images on websites is always a priority for those looking forward to gaining instant attention from visitors. But this may also hinder your page load time. You can start compressing images using some good tools like TinyPNG, ImageOptim, or ShortPixel.  Keeping the compression ratio between 20-30% will ensure a good balance between the file size and the image quality. 

Use JPEG for photographs and PNG for images that require a high level of detail. Try resizing your images to match the exact dimensions required for your webpage. “Lazy loading” is an effective technique that waits to load your image prioritizing content. It brings down the time for a webpage to open by loading a fraction of the content. 

Reduce the unnecessary metadata from your images to reduce their file size and use “image sprites” to ensure reduced HTTP requests. 

2. Optimizing server response time

Optimizing server response time is crucial to ensure enhanced page load speed, as it directly impacts the user experience and search engine rankings. Make sure that your server is configured efficiently to support high-volume requests. Adjust your server’s timeout settings to prevent long-running requests from blocking other requests. Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) to distribute files across multiple servers to reduce latency and improve load times. 

You can also implement a load balancer to divert traffic across multiple servers and implement a proven caching mechanism like Redis, Memcached, and Varnish cache. Optimize database queries and enable the “Keep-Alive” feature to allow multiple requests to be sent over a single connection, reducing the overhead of establishing new connections. 

Keep updating your server software regularly and also enable “Gzip” compression to reduce the size of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Adhering to this strategy will eventually have long-lasting effects on your webpage’s loading time. 

3. Compress and optimize content 

Revamping your existing content is a proven way to ensure enhanced page load time. The only thing is that you must be logical and relevant enough to let Google index your web pages. You can use descriptive and concise titles, headings, and meta descriptions for your webpage, and don’t forget to include high-intent keywords in them.  

Use internal linking to improve navigation and compress codes using tools like Google’s Closure Compiler. Ask your developers to use a code editor (Sublime Text or Atom) with built-in code optimization features. 

4. Put stylesheet references at the top & script references at the bottom

Most browsers parse CSS stylesheets from the top to bottom. By doing so, you can ensure that the browser can start parsing the stylesheets as soon as possible, which can improve the rendering of the page. 

When the browser encounters a stylesheet reference, it can start rendering the page while it’s still downloading the stylesheet. This can improve the perceived performance of the page. This also avoids the “Flash of Unstyled Content” (FOUC) issue, where the page appears unstyled for a moment before the stylesheet is loaded. 

Now, putting the script reference at the bottom ensures that the page can be rendered as quickly as possible, without waiting for the scripts to finish executing. Scripts can take a significant amount of time to execute, slowing down the page load. By loading scripts at the bottom, you can certainly reduce the overall page load time. 

5. Choose a scalable hosting solution provider 

Nowadays, choosing cloud services has become the most effective and sure-shot way to ensure scalability and resource allocation. By switching to the cloud, your website can automatically scale up or down to handle changes in traffic. This can lead to faster page loads during peak hours. Moreover, cloud hosting providers often allocate resources (CPU, RAM, and storage) dynamically, which can result in faster page loads by allocating the right amount of resources to your website.

To ensure optimum page load time for your site, keep monitoring your website’s performance constantly and adjust your cloud hosting configuration as and when required. 

6. Remove unnecessary plugins 

Most website owners use plenty of plugins to ensure multi-functionality on their websites. Now, each plugin or script generates multiple HTTP requests, which can slow down page loading. When you remove unnecessary plugins, you reduce the number of HTTP requests, resulting in faster page loading. Additionally, too many plugins also transfer unnecessary data and create dependencies between files. By restricting the number of plugins, you can reduce the amount of data to be transferred along with the dependencies, resulting in faster page loading and enhanced page views. 

7. Constantly clean up your media library and database

Your website may have a media library cluttered with unnecessary images. This is not only a hindrance to finding and managing files but clogged images may also slow down your web page. Identify unnecessary (incompatible & redundant) files from your media library and delete them to make your web page lighter. 

Rename and reorganize files as images, videos, and documents, and group similar files together. You can also implement version control systems (Git) to track changes and maintain records of revised files. 

Similarly cleaning up your database will also ensure faster page load time. Run a query to identify unused tables, columns, and indexes that will eventually clean up much space from your database. You can use tools like phpMyAdmin or MySQL Workbench to analyze your database structure. Identify duplicate records and remove them to reduce data redundancy. Create indexes on columns used in WHERE, JOIN, and ORDER BY clauses to improve query performance. 

8. Leverage “Expires” headers

The “Expires” header is an HTTP response header that specifies the date and time after which the response should be considered stale. It’s a way for a web server to communicate to the client (usually a web browser) when the response is no longer fresh and should be revalidated or reloaded. 

When a browser receives a response with an “Expires” header, it caches the content and stores it locally. The browser will then check the current date and time against the expiration date specified in the Expires header. If the current date and time are before the expiration date, the browser will use the cached content instead of re-fetching it from the server. 

By caching content, the browser reduces the number of requests made to the server. This can significantly speed up page loading times, especially for pages with many resources (e.g., images, scripts, stylesheets). Choose a date that balances the trade-off between caching and freshness. A shorter expiration date ensures that users see the latest content, while a longer expiration date reduces the number of requests. 

Top 5 tools to test website performance (including page load time) 

With technological advancements, we have a range of tools available to us to perform any function. You must choose the right one. Here are some best tools to consider for testing your web page loading time: 

  • GTmetrix 
  • Pingdom 
  • Uptrends 
  • Dareboost 
  • Core Web Vitals 


Best known for its comprehensive analysis and waterfall chart that shows the sequence of events as page loads, helping you identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. 

Key features: 

  • Page speed score
  • Waterfall chart
  • Resource timing


Widely used by web developers, designers, and digital marketers to measure website speed, performance bottlenecks, and monitor website uptime. 

Key features:

  • Website speed testing
  • Performance grading
  • SEO insights


This highly advanced website monitoring tool is best known for its real-time monitoring, alerts and notifications, and multi-platform support with detailed reporting. 

Key features:

  • Website Monitoring
  • Real-time alerts
  • Multi-location monitoring


A comprehensive tool for website performance and analytics that helps you monitor your website’s performance constantly along with breaking down page load times into individual components. 

Key features:

  • Website audit
  • Page speed analysis
  • User experience (UX) analysis

Core Web Vitals

One of the best tools to measure page load time, time to interact (TTI), speed index, server response time, and many more critical aspects of your website. 

Key features:

  • Customizable metrics
  • Integration with popular tools
  • Mobile-friendly reporting

End note 

By implementing these optimization techniques, you must have a good idea about how to make images load faster on websites and how you can significantly reduce your page load time, improve your website’s performance, and ultimately, drive more conversions and revenue. Remember, a faster website is a better website ensuring a seamless user experience, and thus reflecting your brand’s persona.

Speed Up Your Website and Improve Your Content with Revvgrowth!

Is your website taking too long to load? Struggling to create interesting content? Revvgrowth can help! We make your website faster so visitors don’t leave. Plus, our expert team can help you create content that attracts more people and keeps them coming back.

Don’t let a slow website and boring content hold you back. Work with us and see the difference!

Take the First Step Towards Faster Page Load Times!

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1. How can I optimize images to speed up my website?

Compress images using tools like TinyPNG or ShortPixel, choose the correct format (JPEG for photos, PNG for detailed images), resize to necessary dimensions, and use lazy loading.

2. What role does server response time play in page load speed and how can I improve it?

Server response time affects how quickly a server responds to requests. Improve it by using a CDN, optimizing database queries, enabling caching, updating server software, and enabling Gzip compression.

3. How does minimizing HTTP requests help in speeding up my website?

Minimizing HTTP requests reduces load time. Combine files (CSS, JavaScript), remove unnecessary plugins, and use CSS sprites for images to reduce the number of requests.

4. Why is it important to put stylesheet references at the top and script references at the bottom of the HTML document?

Putting stylesheets at the top allows faster rendering. Placing scripts at the bottom ensures the content loads first, avoiding delays in script execution.

5. How can I leverage browser caching to improve page load speed?

Browser caching stores static files on the user’s device. Set “Expires” headers or cache-control directives to reduce server requests on return visits, speeding up page load times.

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